Haryana GK
Haryana Static GK (English + Hindi Medium) With the latest Economy Survey 20-21, Forest Report 2019, Minerals Reports, Livestock Report, Agriculture Report and with 1200+ Questions. Complete Haryana static GK Compilation for HSSSC , HAS and other Haryana States Papers.
Chapter-01 Haryana Introduction
Chapter-02 Geographical location
Chapter-03 Drainage of Haryana
Chapter-04 Ancient history of Haryana
Chapter-05 Medieval History of Haryana
Chapter-06 Modern History of Haryana
Chapter-07 Religious Place and Tourism in Haryana
Chapter-08 Fairs and Festival of Haryana
Chapter-09 Executive, Legislative & Judiciary of Haryana
Chapter-10 District Profile of Haryana
Chapter-11 Demographic Profile of Haryana
Chapter-12 Forest and Wildlife of Haryana
Chapter-13 Transport and Communication of Haryana
Chapter-14 Soil, Minerals and Industry of Haryana
Chapter-15 Agriculture, horticulture and Animal Husbandry of Haryana
Chapter-16 Energy and Irrigation Resources
Haryana Previous Year Papers
Haryana Preliminary Paper 2019
Haryana Mains Paper General Studies 2019(Previous Year Questions)
Haryana Mains Paper English 2019 (Previous Year Questions)
Haryana Mains Paper Hindi 2019 (Previous Year Questions)
Himachal Static GK (English + Hindi Medium) With the latest Economy Survey 20-21,
Forest Report 2019,
Minerals Reports,
Livestock Report, Agriculture Report and with 1200+ Questions. Complete static GK Compilation for HPSSC , HPPSC and other Himachal States Papers.
Haryana GK Religious Place and Tourism
Haryana Administrative Services (HAS) To Check More in Haryana — Click Here To Join Facebook Group — Click Here Haryana GK Religious Place and Tourism Chapter- 07 Religious Place and Tourism in Haryana Haryana is unique in many ways. The land has been referred to as ‘the Heaven on the Earth’ in an ancient Sanskrit inscription. The Indus valley and Vedic civilisations flourished here. The state has also witnessed several historic battles, including battles at Panipat and the epic battle of Mahabharata at Kurukshetra. It is also referred as ‘Gateway to North India’. Haryana, the land of great culture and heritage is developing as an attractive travel destination. Due to…
Haryana GK Fairs & Festival
Haryana Administrative Services (HAS) To Check More in Haryana — Click Here To Join Facebook Group — Click Here Chapter-08 Fairs and Festival of Haryana FAIRS AND FESTIVALS OF HARYANA The state of Haryana celebrates the rich, glorious culture of India in its various fairs and festivals that are celebrated with great zeal by its people. There are several fairs and festivals in Haryana that attract a large number of visitors to the state at different times of the year. Fairs in Haryana Fairs of Haryana reflect the culture and life of its people. These are held almost in every part of the state. There are variety of fairs like…
Haryana Gk General Studies Mains Paper
Haryana Gk General Studies Mains Paper To Check More in Haryana — Click Here To Join Facebook Group — Click Here Haryana Main Examinations GENERAL STUDIES-2019 Time : 3 Hours समय : 3 घंटे Maximum Marks : 100 अधिकतम अंक : 100 Noto: (1) All questions are compulsory. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. Clearly mention question number and part number before attempting. The part of the same question must be answered together and must not be interposed between answers to other questions, Limit your answer to the world limits mentioned for each part. Divide your time proportionately for each…
Haryana GK Energy and Irrigation Resources
Haryana Administrative Services To view more Files — Click Here To Join FB — Click here Haryana GK Energy and Irrigation Resources Chapter-16 Energy and Irrigation Resources in Haryana ENERGY AND IRRIGATION RESOURCES IN HARYANA Energy is a critical factor in infrastructure for sustained economic growth. It makes a direct and significant contribution to economy in terms of revenue generation and providing irrigation facilities for Haryana. The state has a dense network of canals that form the major type of irrigation in Haryana. Apart from canals other means of irrigation are tubewells, wells, lakes and ponds. Haryana state has limited availability of energy sources. There is very less hydro generation…
Haryana GK Agriculture Horticulture animal Husbandry
Haryana Administrative Services Haryana GK Agriculture Horticulture animal Husbandry To view more Files — Click Here To Join FB — Click here Chapter-15 Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry AGRICULTURE IN HARYANA Haryana is an agricultural state. Agriculture has remained the main stay and leading occupation for the people, since its inception. Haryana is self-sufficient in food production and is at second position in foodgrain production in the country. This sector also includes allied activities i.e. animal husbandry, dairy farming forestry and fishing which contribute to Haryana’s economy. The agricultural sector has always been an important contributor to the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Haryana. The Green Revolution took place…
Haryana GK Executive Legislative Judiciary of Haryana
Haryana Administrative Services (HAS) To view more Files — Click Here To Join FB — Click here Haryana GK Executive Legislative Judiciary of Haryana Chapter-09 Executive Legislative Judiciary of haryana FORMATION OF HARYANA STATE Haryana is carved out from the former state of East Punjab on linguistic as well as on cultural basis. The Indian Government set up the Shah Commission to divide the existing Punjab and determine the boundaries of new state ‘Haryana’ giving consideration to the language spoken by the people. Evidences for the formation of Haryana can be dated back to the pre-Independence era when-lot of political activities were taking place in the region. Haryana GK Executive…
Haryana GK Modern history of Haryana
Haryana Administrative Services To view more Files — Click Here To Join FB — Click here Chapter-06 Modern History of Haryana आधुनिक इतिहास जार्ज थॉमस और हरियाणा आयरलैंड निवासी जार्ज थॉमस (जहाज साहब) वर्ष 1787 ई० में दिल्ली में बेगम समरू की सेवा में भर्ती हुआ। अपनी योग्यता के कारण वह सेनापति बन गया। रेवाड़ी स्थित गोकुलगढ़ किलें में नजफकुली की बगावत के विरूद्ध जॉर्ज थॉमस ने मुगल सम्राट को सैन्य सहायता दी। परंतु जल्द ही एक षड्यंत्र के कारण बेगम ने जॉर्ज थॉमस (थॉमस के विरूद्ध षड्यंत्र रचकर) को सेनापति के पद से हटा दिया। परिणामस्वरूप थॉमस ने 250 सैनिकों के साथ बेगम के विरूद्ध विद्रोह कर दिया। जार्ज…
Haryana GK Medieval History of Haryana
Haryana Administrative Services (HAS) To view more Files — Click Here To Join FB — Click here Haryana GK Medieval History of Haryana CHAPTER 5 MEDIEVAL HISTORY OF HARYANA मध्यकालीन इतिहास सिंध पर अरबों का आक्रमण (712 ई.) से लेकर कर उत्तरवर्ती मुगलकाल तक के कालखंड को पूर्व मध्यकाल एवं मध्यकालीन इतिहास की संज्ञा दी जाती है। अरबों का आक्रमण, कन्नौज की गद्दी को लेकर त्रिपक्षीय संघर्ष, राजपूतों का उद्भव, मुस्लिमों का आक्रमण, दिल्ली सल्तनत की स्थापना, मुस्लिम शासन की शुरूआत, हिन्दु राजाओ की पराजय आदि मध्यकालीन इतिहास की प्रमुख प्रारंभिक घटनायें हैं। सामंतवादी व्यवस्था का बीजारोपण उत्तर गुप्तकाल में हुआ तथा मध्यकाल तक यह अपनी चरम स्थिति तक पहुंच…
Haryana GK Ancient history of Haryana
Haryana Administrative Service (HAS) Haryana GK Ancient history of Haryana To view more Files — Click Here To Join FB — Click here Chapter-04 Ancient history of Haryana ANCIENT HISTORY OF HARYANA The present day Haryana is the region where, along the banks of the river Saraswati, the Vedic civilisation began and matured. It was here that Lord Krishna preached Bhagvad Gita tants before the start of the Battle of Mahabharata. It was on this land that Saint Ved Vyas wrote Mahabharata in Sanskrit. The history of Haryana can be traced from various sources like mythological of sources, archaeological sources, monetary sources and so on. The state has many sites…
Haryana GK Forest and Wildlife of Haryana
Haryana Static GK Join Fb Group — Click here Visit More in Site: – Click here Haryana Administrative Services Chapter-12 Forest and Wildlife of Haryana Forest and Wildlife of Haryana (ISFR -2019 Statistics) In the latest ‘India State of the forest (ISF) 2019 report Haryana’s total forest cover has increased by 14.44 sq km, as compared to the previous assessment reported in 2017. The increase is around 1% and main reasons for the rise in forest cover have been reported to be plantation and conservation activities. As per the report, the forest cover in the state is 1,602.44 sq km, which is 3.62% of the state’s geographical area. The forest…