1000 Most Important One Word Substitution
- Nation engaged in war —Belligerent
- Stableman in the inn —-Osler
- Cutting into pieces —-shredding
- Scarcity of food —-famine
- Inflammation of gums —-gingivitis
- Causes great harm —–Disaster
- Wild imagination —-fantasy
- A poem of fourteen lines —sonnet
- Incapable of error / a method which is never fail —-infallible
- One who believes everything ——–Credulous
- Accidental good fortune —--Serendipity
- A person who drives our motor cars —Chauffeur
- Brought back to mind —-Reminisced
- Lack of feeling —-Apathy
- A difficult problem ––Conundrum
- A tall strong women —Amazon
- A large number of bullet fired at the same time —Fusillade or salvo
- One who deliberately damages other people’s property —-Vandal
- A book which hold several works of author —-Omnibus
- A published collections of peom or others pieces of writing —Anthology
- Govt. By the few —Oligarchy
- Study of caves ———-speleology
- A doctor who specialize in disease of the nose —Rhinologist
- A wooden object used for connecting animals that are pulling a vehicle —yoke
- Having a stale smell or taste ——Rancid
- Material that changes naturally by the action of bacteria —-Biodegradable
- Wild and noisy disorder —-Pandemonium
- Something that is beyond the power of nature —Supernatural
- Description of a disagreeable things by an agreeable name —Euphemism
- Walk in proud and confident way —-Swagger
- The part of the stage in front of the curtain —-Proscenium
- Person believing in free will —-libertarian
- Small piece of metal that fly out from an exploding bomb —shrapnel
- All the arts, belief and social institutions etc charactersistics of a race –culture
- The act of speaking about one’s thought when one is alone —-soliloquy
- To remove an objectionable part from a book —Expurgate
- Pertaining to sheep —Ovine
- Hole excavated by an animal as dwelling —burrow
- A special fondness or liking for —-Penchant
- Relating to kinship with the father —-Patrilineal
- A part of the word that can be pronounced separately —-Syllable
- A drink usually made from a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks —-Cocktail
- Something that might happen in the future —Contingency
- Believe in many gods —Polytheism
- A cluster of flowers or a branch —-Inflorescence
- A person who believes that only selfishness motivates human action –-cynic
- A highly skilled musician —Virtuoso
- A method of boiling briefly to cook food slightly —Parboil
- The group especially in the arts regarded as being the most experimental —Avant-garde
- To think about something carefully and throughly —Muse
- A person who is at home in two languages —-Bilingual
- Devouring all foods —–Omnivorous
- A person who can not be conquered ——–-Invincible
- A state where no law and order exists —-Anarchy
- A short trip or excursion —-Jaunt
- Motive or incitement to action —Incentive
- A speaker ‘s platform —-Podium
- The stand from which a preacher delivers his sermon —Pulpit
- A building for housing curios —-Museum
- A place where dead body are kept for medical examination —Mortuary
- A person who hates marriage —-Misogamist
- A person who hates women —-Misogynist
- Thawing snow —–Slush
- One who specialized in the mathematics of insurance —An actuary
- Violation of the sanctity of the church —Sacrilege
- Of one mind or opinion —Unanimous
- A peaceful settlement —-Compromise
- Pen name ——-Pseudonym
- A person who has had one or more limbs cut off —Amputee
- Deeply worried or agitated —-Distraught
- A gigantic statue —–Colossal or colossus
- Specify as a part of the agreement —-Stipulate
- A supplement to a will —-Codicil
- Estimation of a thing’s worth —-Appraisal
- A person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skills needed in their job —Apprentice
- The science of government —--Politics
- A messenger sent in great haste —-Courier
- A speech made without preparation —Extempore
- Made without preparation —-Impromptu
- A person who repair broken window glasses ——–Glazier
- One who offers his service of his own free will —volunteer
- One who is always doubting ——–Sceptic
- A collection of slaves —-coffle
- No likely to be easily pleased —–Fastidious
- A cluster of houses in a village —-Hamlet
- A number of monkeys ——Troops
- Lasting for two years —–Biennial
- A speech made to oneself —–Soliloquy
- A sneering person who always finds faults —-cynic
- Smugly self satisfied —-Complacent
- Having to do with artistic beauty ——–Aesthetic
- A word that reads the same backward as forwards ——Palindrome
- A principle or standard by which anything is or can be judged —Epitome
- A person who is self centred ——–Egoist
- An extract from a book of writing —Excerpt
- One who files a suit ———–plaintiff
- Take great pleasure ——-Revel
- A strong dislike ——-Animosity
- Long poem based on a noble theme —–Epic
- A person who does not think or behave like everyone else , but has independent , unusual opinion ——-Maverick
- An animal living on fish —-Piscivore
- A drawing on blue transparent paper —-Blue paper
- A reversal in policy —–Volte face
- Suitable for everyday conversation —-Colloquial
- Of various kind —–Miscellaneous
- A list of things to be discussed at meeting —Minutes
- A large number of fish swimming together —-Shoal
- A room or building for the preservation of plants —-Greenhouse
- A place where money is coined —-Mint
- A series of lesson or lectures ———Course
- A very accurate form of clock —-Chronometer
- Completing a period of 100 years —Centenarian
- Shaking movement of the ground —-Tremor
- One who has no money —-Pauper
- A boastful person ——Termagent
- One who helps the needy —--samaritan
- A connoisseur of food ———–Gourmet
- One who has bad in spelling ——–-Cacographist
- An unconventional style of living ——-Bohemian
- A person who looks at the brighter side of every thing —Sanguine
- That which can not be captured or conquered —–impregnable
- Reproducing or memorizing words for word ——-Verbal
- That which cannot be defeated ———-Invincible
- A pole or beam used as a temporary support —-Prop
- A list of passenger and luggage —--waybill
- Fear of closed spaces —–Claustrophobia
- Habitually silent or talking little —-Taciturn
- A religious discourse ——–-Sermon
- A place that provide refuge ——Asylum
- Detailed plan of journey —–Itinerary
- A person who insists on some thing ———-Stickler
- An assembly of worshipper ———–Congregation
- A person run away from justice or the law ——–Fugitive
- One who takes care of a building —-Janitor
- A place of shelter for ships ———Harbour
- A building in which aircraft are housed ———–Hanger
- A shopkeeper who sells fresh and green vegetables ———Greengrocer
- That which cannot be consumed by fire —-Incombustible
- A short story based on your personal experience ——Anecdote
- An animal story with a moral ———–Fable
- A moral story not necessarily with animal character —–-Parable
- The school or college in which one has been educated —Alma meter
- A former student of a school, college or university —Alumnus
- To give one’s authority to another —-Delegate
- A person against whom legal action is instituted ——-Defendant
- A nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work —-Crèche
- Property handed down after the death of a person —-Legacy
- A study of words and the way words develop —-Phonology
- Something which is not in harmony —-Cacophonies
- A list of books ——–Catalogue
- Something unusual or strange, having peculiar notions —Whimsical
- One who is dabbler in arts , science or literature शोकीन } —Dilettante {कला प्यार)
- The time between midnight and noon ——Ante-meridian
- Still existing and known —-Extant {विद्यमान}
- Compensation for loss —–Indemnity
- Angry at injustice ——-Indignant
- To turn out of society ——Ostracize
- Forewarning of an Impending danger —-Premonition{पूर्वाभास }
- A place of good climate for invalids ——Sanatorium
- To bite like a rat —–Gnaw
- A style in which a writer makes display of his knowledge —-Pedantic
- One who performing daring gymnastics feats —–Acrobat
- A large food basket with a cover —–Hamper
- Stealing goods while shopping —–Shop-lifter
- Number of things or portions close together without order or arrangement —-Huddle
- Height of an object above sea level —–Altitude
- Group of people living together in the same locality —–Community
- Group of people of the same community —–-Brethren
- A talk between two persons —–Dialogue
- Enter a country as a enemy —–Invade
- The time between midnight and noon —Ante-meridian
- Fear of height ——Acrophobia
- A study of words and the way words develop —Phonology
- Something which is not in harmony ———–Cacophonous
- A list of Books —-Catalogue
- Man with womanly habits and manners —-Effeminate
- Something unusual or strange, having peculiar notions —Whimsical
- That cannot be overcome —-Insurmountable
- One who is appointed to deal with complaints made by common people against banks , companies etc– Ombudsman
- A word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase —Acronym
- To reduce to nothing —-Annul
- An obviously true or hackneyed statement —-Truism
- The study or practice of dancing or composing ballets —-Choreography
- Having juicy or fleshy and thick tissues —-Succulent
- An exact copy of handwriting or a picture produced by a machine ——Facsimile
- To play the part of, and function as, some other person—– Impersonate
- To die without having made a will —--Intestate
- One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself —Masochist
- A person who is greatly respected because of wisdom —-Venerable
- Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported or exported —Contraband
- A person in a vehicle or on horseback escorting another vehicle —–Outrider
- One who makes an official examination of accounts ————-Auditor
- An apartment building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it, but also containing shared areas ———-Condominium
- A group of three powerful person ——-Triumvirate
- Science regarding principles of classification ——–Taxonomy
- Enclosed in a small closed space —–Claustrophobia
- A hall or building equipped for physical exercise —-Gymnasium
- Changing in shape, appearance etc —–-Transformation
- A book or paper written in hand ——Manuscript
- Something which is imagined to be real but actually does not exist —--Figment
- To officially take private property away to seize —Confiscate
- One whose motive is merely to get money —Mercenary
- To supply land with water to artificial means —-Irrigate
- To get or obtain something —--Attain
- Shy and easily embarrassed —–Bashful
- Walk in slow relaxed way —–-Saunter
- Excessive similarity or resemblance with anything or anyone —Ambiguity
- To scold or rebuke somebody ——-Chide
- Impossible to put into practical —–Impracticable
- Having to do with beliefs contrary to the fundamental doctrine of church , school or profession —Sceptical
- Time and space without limit —-Infinitude
- Harassed by fixed idea —-Obsessed
- A string of beads used for counting prayers —-Rosary
- A stage or platform for public speaking —-Rostrum {podium}
- One behaves amorously without serious intention —Flirt
- To compose or think up on the spur of the moment —-improvise
- To be in an unpleasant situation for a long time —–Languish
- Long intensely for something that belongs to another —-Covet
- Devoid of all hopes —-Desperate
- One leading a unsettled life —-Vagabond
- A women who uses her charm to exploit men —Coquette
- A song to induce sleep in children —Lullaby
- Tightrope walking —-Funambulism
- No longer acceptable —-Outmoded
- Not to be persuaded —–Inexorable
- A driving force —–Impetus
- Misleading or beguiling speech —Palaver
- A place for sick people who need long periods for recovery —–Sanatorium
- The act of killing one self by cutting open one’s stomach with a sword , to avoid losing honour —-Hara kiri
- A supporter for the cause of women —Feminist
- That is not mortal —Eternal
- Something that is difficult to be avoid —-Inevitable
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