
1000 Most Important One Word Substitution

  1. Nation engaged in war —Belligerent
  2. Stableman in the inn —-Osler
  3. Cutting into pieces —-shredding
  4. Scarcity of food —-famine
  5. Inflammation of gums —-gingivitis
  6. Causes great harm —–Disaster
  7. Wild imagination —-fantasy
  8. A poem of fourteen lines —sonnet
  9. Incapable of error / a method which is never fail —-infallible
  10. One who believes everything ——–Credulous
  11. Accidental good fortune —--Serendipity
  12. A person who drives our motor cars —Chauffeur
  13. Brought back to mind —-Reminisced
  14. Lack of feeling —-Apathy
  15. A difficult problem ––Conundrum
  16. A tall strong women —Amazon
  17. A large number of bullet fired at the same time —Fusillade or salvo
  18. One who deliberately damages other people’s property —-Vandal
  19. A book which hold several works of author —-Omnibus
  20. A published collections of peom or others pieces of writing —Anthology
  21. Govt. By the few —Oligarchy
  22. Study of caves ———-speleology
  23. A doctor who specialize in disease of the nose —Rhinologist
  24. A wooden object used for connecting animals that are pulling a vehicle —yoke
  25. Having a stale smell or taste ——Rancid
  26. Material that changes naturally by the action of bacteria —-Biodegradable
  27. Wild and noisy disorder —-Pandemonium
  28. Something that is beyond the power of nature —Supernatural
  29. Description of a disagreeable things by an agreeable name —Euphemism
  30. Walk in proud and confident way —-Swagger
  31. The part of the stage in front of the curtain —-Proscenium
  32. Person believing in free will —-libertarian
  33. Small piece of metal that fly out from an exploding bomb —shrapnel
  34. All the arts, belief and social institutions etc charactersistics of a race –culture
  35. The act of speaking about one’s thought when one is alone —-soliloquy
  36. To remove an objectionable part from a book —Expurgate
  37. Pertaining to sheep —Ovine
  38. Hole excavated by an animal as dwelling —burrow
  39. A special fondness or liking for —-Penchant
  40. Relating to kinship with the father —-Patrilineal
  41. A part of the word that can be pronounced separately —-Syllable
  42. A drink usually made from a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks —-Cocktail
  43. Something that might happen in the future —Contingency
  44. Believe in many gods —Polytheism
  45. A cluster of flowers or a branch —-Inflorescence
  46. A person who believes that only selfishness motivates human action –-cynic
  47. A highly skilled musician —Virtuoso
  48. A method of boiling briefly to cook food slightly —Parboil
  49. The group especially in the arts regarded as being the most experimental —Avant-garde
  50. To think about something carefully and throughly —Muse
  51. A person who is at home in two languages —-Bilingual
  52. Devouring all foods —–Omnivorous
  53. A person who can not be conquered ——–-Invincible
  54. A state where no law and order exists —-Anarchy
  55. A short trip or excursion —-Jaunt
  56. Motive or incitement to action —Incentive
  57. A speaker ‘s platform —-Podium
  58. The stand from which a preacher delivers his sermon —Pulpit
  59. A building for housing curios —-Museum
  60. A place where dead body are kept for medical examination —Mortuary
  61. A person who hates marriage —-Misogamist
  62. A person who hates women —-Misogynist
  63. Thawing snow —–Slush
  64. One who specialized in the mathematics of insurance —An actuary
  65. Violation of the sanctity of the church —Sacrilege
  66. Of one mind or opinion —Unanimous
  67. A peaceful settlement —-Compromise
  68. Pen name ——-Pseudonym
  69. A person who has had one or more limbs cut off —Amputee
  70. Deeply worried or agitated —-Distraught
  71. A gigantic statue —–Colossal or colossus
  72. Specify as a part of the agreement —-Stipulate
  73. A supplement to a will —-Codicil
  74. Estimation of a thing’s worth —-Appraisal
  75. A person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skills needed in their job —Apprentice
  76. The science of government —--Politics
  77. A messenger sent in great haste —-Courier
  78. A speech made without preparation —Extempore
  79. Made without preparation —-Impromptu
  80. A person who repair broken window glasses ——–Glazier
  81. One who offers his service of his own free will —volunteer
  82. One who is always doubting ——–Sceptic
  83. A collection of slaves —-coffle
  84. No likely to be easily pleased —–Fastidious
  85. A cluster of houses in a village —-Hamlet
  86. A number of monkeys ——Troops
  87. Lasting for two years —–Biennial
  88. A speech made to oneself —–Soliloquy
  89. A sneering person who always finds faults —-cynic
  90. Smugly self satisfied —-Complacent
  91. Having to do with artistic beauty ——–Aesthetic
  92. A word that reads the same backward as forwards ——Palindrome
  93. A principle or standard by which anything is or can be judged —Epitome
  94. A person who is self centred ——–Egoist
  95. An extract from a book of writing —Excerpt
  96. One who files a suit ———–plaintiff
  97. Take great pleasure ——-Revel
  98. A strong dislike ——-Animosity
  99. Long poem based on a noble theme —–Epic
  100. A person who does not think or behave like everyone else , but has independent , unusual opinion ——-Maverick
  101. An animal living on fish —-Piscivore
  102. A drawing on blue transparent paper —-Blue paper
  103. A reversal in policy —–Volte face
  104. Suitable for everyday conversation —-Colloquial
  105. Of various kind —–Miscellaneous
  106. A list of things to be discussed at meeting —Minutes
  107. A large number of fish swimming together —-Shoal
  108. A room or building for the preservation of plants —-Greenhouse
  109. A place where money is coined —-Mint
  110. A series of lesson or lectures ———Course
  111. A very accurate form of clock —-Chronometer
  112. Completing a period of 100 years —Centenarian
  113. Shaking movement of the ground —-Tremor
  114. One who has no money —-Pauper
  115. A boastful person ——Termagent
  116. One who helps the needy —--samaritan
  117. A connoisseur of food ———–Gourmet
  118. One who has bad in spelling ——–-Cacographist
  119. An unconventional style of living ——-Bohemian
  120. A person who looks at the brighter side of every thing —Sanguine
  121. That which can not be captured or conquered —–impregnable
  122. Reproducing or memorizing words for word ——-Verbal
  123. That which cannot be defeated ———-Invincible
  124. A pole or beam used as a temporary support —-Prop
  125. A list of passenger and luggage —--waybill
  126. Fear of closed spaces —–Claustrophobia
  127. Habitually silent or talking little —-Taciturn
  128. A religious discourse ——–-Sermon
  129. A place that provide refuge ——Asylum
  130. Detailed plan of journey —–Itinerary
  131. A person who insists on some thing ———-Stickler
  132. An assembly of worshipper ———–Congregation
  133. A person run away from justice or the law ——–Fugitive
  134. One who takes care of a building —-Janitor
  135. A place of shelter for ships ———Harbour
  136. A building in which aircraft are housed ———–Hanger
  137. A shopkeeper who sells fresh and green vegetables ———Greengrocer
  138. That which cannot be consumed by fire —-Incombustible
  139. A short story based on your personal experience ——Anecdote
  140. An animal story with a moral ———–Fable
  141. A moral story not necessarily with animal character —–-Parable
  142. The school or college in which one has been educated —Alma meter
  143. A former student of a school, college or university —Alumnus
  144. To give one’s authority to another —-Delegate
  145. A person against whom legal action is instituted ——-Defendant
  146. A nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work —-Crèche
  147. Property handed down after the death of a person —-Legacy
  148. A study of words and the way words develop —-Phonology
  149. Something which is not in harmony —-Cacophonies
  150. A list of books ——–Catalogue
  151. Something unusual or strange, having peculiar notions —Whimsical
  152. One who is dabbler in arts , science or literature शोकीन } —Dilettante {कला प्यार)
  153. The time between midnight and noon ——Ante-meridian
  154. Still existing and known —-Extant {विद्यमान}
  155. Compensation for loss —–Indemnity
  156. Angry at injustice ——-Indignant
  157. To turn out of society ——Ostracize
  158. Forewarning of an Impending danger —-Premonition{पूर्वाभास }
  159. A place of good climate for invalids ——Sanatorium
  160. To bite like a rat —–Gnaw
  161. A style in which a writer makes display of his knowledge —-Pedantic
  162. One who performing daring gymnastics feats —–Acrobat
  163. A large food basket with a cover —–Hamper
  164. Stealing goods while shopping —–Shop-lifter
  165. Number of things or portions close together without order or arrangement —-Huddle
  166. Height of an object above sea level —–Altitude
  167. Group of people living together in the same locality —–Community
  168. Group of people of the same community —–-Brethren
  169. A talk between two persons —–Dialogue
  170. Enter a country as a enemy —–Invade
  171. The time between midnight and noon —Ante-meridian
  172. Fear of height ——Acrophobia
  173. A study of words and the way words develop —Phonology
  174. Something which is not in harmony ———–Cacophonous
  175. A list of Books —-Catalogue
  176. Man with womanly habits and manners —-Effeminate
  177. Something unusual or strange, having peculiar notions —Whimsical
  178. That cannot be overcome —-Insurmountable
  179. One who is appointed to deal with complaints made by common people against banks , companies etc– Ombudsman
  180. A word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase —Acronym
  181. To reduce to nothing —-Annul
  182. An obviously true or hackneyed statement —-Truism
  183. The study or practice of dancing or composing ballets —-Choreography
  184. Having juicy or fleshy and thick tissues —-Succulent
  185. An exact copy of handwriting or a picture produced by a machine ——Facsimile
  186. To play the part of, and function as, some other person—– Impersonate
  187. To die without having made a will —--Intestate
  188. One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself —Masochist
  189. A person who is greatly respected because of wisdom —-Venerable
  190. Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported or exported —Contraband
  191. A person in a vehicle or on horseback escorting another vehicle —–Outrider
  192. One who makes an official examination of accounts ————-Auditor
  193. An apartment building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it, but also containing shared areas ———-Condominium
  194. A group of three powerful person ——-Triumvirate
  195. Science regarding principles of classification ——–Taxonomy
  196. Enclosed in a small closed space —–Claustrophobia
  197. A hall or building equipped for physical exercise —-Gymnasium
  198. Changing in shape, appearance etc —–-Transformation
  199. A book or paper written in hand ——Manuscript
  200. Something which is imagined to be real but actually does not exist —--Figment
  201. To officially take private property away to seize —Confiscate
  202. One whose motive is merely to get money —Mercenary
  203. To supply land with water to artificial means —-Irrigate
  204. To get or obtain something —--Attain
  205. Shy and easily embarrassed —–Bashful
  206. Walk in slow relaxed way —–-Saunter
  207. Excessive similarity or resemblance with anything or anyone —Ambiguity
  208. To scold or rebuke somebody ——-Chide
  209. Impossible to put into practical —–Impracticable
  210. Having to do with beliefs contrary to the fundamental doctrine of church , school or profession —Sceptical
  211. Time and space without limit —-Infinitude
  212. Harassed by fixed idea —-Obsessed
  213. A string of beads used for counting prayers —-Rosary
  214. A stage or platform for public speaking —-Rostrum {podium}
  215. One behaves amorously without serious intention —Flirt
  216. To compose or think up on the spur of the moment —-improvise
  217. To be in an unpleasant situation for a long time —–Languish
  218. Long intensely for something that belongs to another —-Covet
  219. Devoid of all hopes —-Desperate
  220. One leading a unsettled life —-Vagabond
  221. A women who uses her charm to exploit men —Coquette
  222. A song to induce sleep in children —Lullaby
  223. Tightrope walking —-Funambulism
  224. No longer acceptable —-Outmoded
  225. Not to be persuaded —–Inexorable
  226. A driving force —–Impetus
  227. Misleading or beguiling speech —Palaver
  228. A place for sick people who need long periods for recovery —–Sanatorium
  229. The act of killing one self by cutting open one’s stomach with a sword , to avoid losing honour —-Hara kiri
  230. A supporter for the cause of women —Feminist
  231. That is not mortal —Eternal
  232. Something that is difficult to be avoid —-Inevitable


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