1000 Most Important One Word Substitution
- The policy of extending country’s empire and influence —-imperialism
- Govt. By a single person ———-Autocracy
- Practice of a married women having extra marital relationship —-Adultery
- A workmen who fits and repairs pipes —-plumber
- Part of a church in which bells hang ———belfry
- Mania for balking —–logo mania
- An extremely deep crack or opening in the ground —-chasm
- The study of ancient societies ———Archaeology
- The foolish belief that one is god Theo mania
- List of heading of the business to be transacted at a meeting —Agenda
- Person who brings an action at law —-Plaintiff
- The short remaining end of a cigarette —-Stub
- The place where public, govt., or historical records are kept —-archives
- A post without remuneration —–Honorary [serving without pay]
- Large scale departure of people —-exodus
- Lottery in which an article is assigned by lot to one of those buying tickets —Raffle
- To send an unwanted person out of the country —-Deport
- Voluntarily giving up throne by king in favour of his son —Abdication
- Child bereaved of one or both the parents —-Orphans
- Gift left by will —–Legacy
- Govt. Run by a dictator —-Autocracy
- One who always run away from the dangers —-Timid
- A poem written on the death of someone loved and lost —-elegy
- One who despises persons of lower social position —-snob
- Gradual recovery from illness ——Convalescence
- One who is determined to exact full vengeance for wrong done to him —Vindictive
- A person who believes that pleasure is the chief good —-Hedonist
- Commencement of words with the same letter —-Alliteration
- One who is well versed, in any subject; a critical judge of any art, particularly fine art –-Connoisseur
- Person who is indifference to both pleasure and pain —-stoic
- A person who is against the standards of ordinary society especially in dressing —Hippy
- Murder of a brother —-Fratricide
- Mania for stealing articles —-Kleptomania
- Mental weariness for want of occupation —Ennui
- One who loves all and sundry- —Philanthropist
- A person living permanently in a certain place —-Domicile
- Mania for travel —–Dromomania
- Paying back injury with injury —-Reprisal
- Acutely affected by external impressions —-Sensitive
- To slap with a flat object —–Swat
- An Assembly of hearers ——Audience
- An associate in an office or institution —–Colleague
- One who is unrelenting and cannot be moved by the entreaties —-Inexorable
- Regards for others as a principle of action —-Altruism
- Person who Claims to have great love and understanding of what is beautiful in nature , art etc. —Aesthete
- A disease which spreads by contact —–Contagious
- An animal story with a moral ——Fable
- To change the shape, nature or substance of ——-Transmute
- Person who believes that god is everything and everything is god —Pantheist
- Person who travels or pilot in a balloon , airship or other aircraft —-Aeronaut
- Witty,clever, retort —-Repartee
- Simplest and smallest form of plant life , present in air , water, soil; essential to life but may cause disease —-Bacteria
- A girl or women who flirts that is tries to attract people and make advances in love simply to satisfy her vanity ——Coquette
- A person who regards the whole world as his country —-Cosmopolitan
- Relationship by blood or birth —–Consanguinity
- A story in which ideas are symbolised as people —-Allegory
- The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed —-Armistice
- A person who makes love without serious intention —–Philanderer
- Opposed to sudden or great change ——Conservative
- Having no beginning or end to its existence —–Eternal
- The art of cutting tress and bushes into ornamental shapes —-Topiary
- Walking in sleep ————Somnambulism
- One who cannot die ——immortal
- A formal written charge against a person for some, crime or offence —-Indictment
- Language difficult to understand because of bad form —–Jargon
- Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted/ an opinion contrary to the orthodox doctrine of a subject —-Heresy
- A person obsessed with exclusively one idea or subject—- Monomaniac
- A child of unusual or remarkable talent —-Prodigy
- A person who kills somebody especially for political reasons —-Assassination
- A small piece of potato —-Chip
- A child who stays away from school without any good reason —-Truant
- A common place remark —–Platitude
- Line at which the earth or sea and sky seem to meet ———Horizon
- A person who rules without consulting the opinion of others —-Autocracy
- Study of mankind —–Anthropology
- Intentional destruction of racial groups —–Genocide
- Study of statistics of birth , deaths , disease to show the state of community —–Demography
- Through which light cannot be pass —–Opaque
- A sudden rush of wind —-Gust
- One who takes delight in excessive cruelty —-Sadist
- A unexpected stroke of good luck —-Windfall
- A person who helps you to break the law —-Accomplice
- Not conforming to ordinary rules of behaviour —-Eccentric
- Stealing from the writing of others ——Plagiarism
- Short Descriptive poem of Picturesque scene on incident —-Idyll
- A man who starves body for the good of soul ——–Ascetic {Recluse}
- A person who is reserved in talks ——Reticent
- A short stay at a place ———Sojourn
- A raised place on which offering to a god are made —-Altar
- To talk much without coming to the point —–Circumlocution
- Constant effort to achieve something ————Perseverance
- A place where a wild animals lives —–Lair
- One who lends money at high rate of interest —-Usurer
- One who cuts precious stone ——-Lapidist
- Govt. By the god ——-Thearchy
- A person not sure of the existence of the god ——Agnostic
- One who compiles dictionary ———–Lexicographer
- Which can be easily believed ———-Credible
- Woman tried to help other women to child birth —-Midwife
- A person with full discretionary power to act on behalf of a country ——Plenipotentiary
- Design made by putting together coloured pieces of glass or stones— Mosaic
- To Deprive a thing of its holy characters ——-Desecrate
- A man with prejudiced views against religion —-Bigot / Prejudiced
- The school or college in which one has been educated —-Alma meter
- One who deserts his religious ————Apostate
- Medicine which lessens pains ————Anodyne
- To Take one task ————–Rebuke
- A small piece of wood ————Chip
- A pioneer of a reform movement —-Apostle
- Wicked to a high degree —--Heinous
- The original inhabitants of a country —–Aborigines
- Dungeon entered by trapdoor- —-Oubliette
- One desirous of getting money —–Avaricious
- Place where birds are kept ———–Aviary
- A person with a beautiful and elegant handwriting —-Calligrapher
- A person who is always dissatisfied ———-Malcontent
- Loss of power to move in any or every part of the body —-Paralysis
- One who does not care for literature or art / person who is indifferent to art and literature—-Philistine
- A group of three novels or plays, each complete in itself —--Trilogy
- A person who is made to bear the blames due to others —–Scapegoat
- A funny Imitation of a poem ——–Parody
- Responsible according to law ——–Legitimate
- A speech by an actor at the end of the play —--Epilogue
- A person without manners or polish ———–Rustic
- Members of a band of robbers ——–Brigand
- A person concerned with political values and results ——-Pragmatists
- Person holding a scholarship at a university —–-Bursar
- Contempt of god ————Blasphemy
- Of unknown and un admitted authorship —-Anonymous
- A person who forsake his religion ——-Renegade, apostate, turncoat
- A man who pays too much attention to his clothes and personal appearance —Dandy
- The line which a plough cuts in the ground —-Furrow
- A name adopted by an author in writing —-Pseudonym
- One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks —--teetotaller
- A person claiming to be superior in culture and intellect to others —-Highbrow
- A person very hard to please —–Fastidious
- A house for storing grains —-Granary
- A person who maliciously Destroys by fire —Incendiary
- A man who operates on sick peoples ——Surgeon
- Be the embodiment or perfect example of —Personify
- An instrument for viewing objects at a distance —-Telescope
- Person who has long experience —-veteran
- A light sailing boat built especially for racing– Yacht
- That which can be interpreted in any way —-Ambiguous
- One who plays a game for pleasure and not professionally —Amateur
- Animals that living in both water and land —--Amphibians
- To bring Peace, and end the Violence ——–Pacify
- Customs of having many wives ——-Polygamy [Polygyngy]
- Time after twilight and before night ——-Dusk
- A person who rarely speak the truth ——-Liar
- The science of judging a person’s character , capabilities etc. From an examination of the shape of the skull —–Phrenology
- Use of more words than are needed to express the meaning —–Circumlocution {Pleonasm}
- The power of reading the thoughts of others ———Telepathy
- One Who Pretends illness to escape duty ——-Malingerer {Dereliction}
- Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others —-Sadism
- Man whose wife has been unfaithful to him —-cuckold
- Science of printing ———Typography
- One whose attitude is “eat, drink, and be merry” —-Epicurean
- A thing or person behind time —Antiquated
- A man of odd habits —Eccentric
- A person who speaks for as support an idea —-advocate
- The branch of medical science which deals with the problems of the old —-Geriatrics
- The place where bricks are baked —kiln
- A thing liable to be easily broken —Brittle
- To mediate between two parties in a dispute —-Intercede {Arbiter}
- Careful in performing duties —Punctilious
- A person who makes and sell ladies’s hats etc. —-Milliner
- Books, Pictures etc intended to arouse sexual desire —-Pornography
- Present opposing arguments or evidence —-Rebut
- Person who gives written testimony for use in law court —Deponent
- Equal in rank, merit or quality —-Peer
- One who is neither intelligent nor dull —-Mediocre
- Using of new words —-Neologism
- A slow- witted and incompetent person—- Duffer
- A woman of lax moral ——–Hostess
- Something which is not thorough or profound —Superficial
- A field or a part of a garden where fruits tree grow —-Orchard
- Person who gives himself up to luxury and sexual pleasures —-Voluptuary
- One who is likeable —-Amiable
- One who promotes the idea of absence of the govt. of any kind , when every man should be a law unto himself ——Anarchist
- A fault that may be forgiven— venial
- To break off proceedings of a meeting for a time —Adjourn
- A low- area storm with high winds rotating about a centre of low atmosphere pressure —Cyclone
- A person who has just started learning —-Apprentice
- Just punishment for wrong doing ——--Nemesis
- A room leading into a large room or hall —-Anteroom
- Printed notice of somebody’s death ———Obituary
- Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s bank —-Hinterland
- The list of courses at a meal or of dishes that can be served in a restaurant —Menu
- Plain or Self – Evident truth —Truism
- A story in verse {poetry or line of poem} —ballad
- One knowing everything —-omniscient
- One who loves books ——–Bibliophile
- Informal business communication with a personal signature —–Memorandum
- Govt. by the representatives of the people —–-democracy
- Food which agree with One’s Taste ——Palatable
- A person sharing responsibility for a political party’s discipline and tactics —Whip
- One who talks very little ——Reserved {Reticent}
- To do away with a rule ——Abrogate
- A person who travels to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion —Pilgrim