
1000 Most Important One Word Substitution

  1. The policy of extending country’s empire and influence —-imperialism
  2. Govt. By a single person ———-Autocracy
  3. Practice of a married women having extra marital relationship —-Adultery
  4. A workmen who fits and repairs pipes —-plumber
  5. Part of a church in which bells hang ———belfry
  6. Mania for balking —–logo mania
  7. An extremely deep crack or opening in the ground —-chasm
  8. The study of ancient societies ———Archaeology
  9. The foolish belief that one is god Theo mania
  10. List of heading of the business to be transacted at a meeting —Agenda
  11. Person who brings an action at law —-Plaintiff
  12. The short remaining end of a cigarette —-Stub
  13. The place where public, govt., or historical records are kept —-archives
  14. A post without remuneration —–Honorary [serving without pay]
  15. Large scale departure of people —-exodus
  16. Lottery in which an article is assigned by lot to one of those buying tickets —Raffle
  17. To send an unwanted person out of the country —-Deport
  18. Voluntarily giving up throne by king in favour of his son —Abdication
  19. Child bereaved of one or both the parents —-Orphans
  20. Gift left by will —–Legacy
  21. Govt. Run by a dictator —-Autocracy
  22. One who always run away from the dangers —-Timid
  23. A poem written on the death of someone loved and lost —-elegy
  24. One who despises persons of lower social position —-snob
  25. Gradual recovery from illness ——Convalescence
  26. One who is determined to exact full vengeance for wrong done to him —Vindictive
  27. A person who believes that pleasure is the chief good —-Hedonist
  28. Commencement of words with the same letter —-Alliteration
  29. One who is well versed, in any subject; a critical judge of any art, particularly fine art –-Connoisseur
  30. Person who is indifference to both pleasure and pain —-stoic
  31. A person who is against the standards of ordinary society especially in dressing —Hippy
  32. Murder of a brother —-Fratricide
  33. Mania for stealing articles —-Kleptomania
  34. Mental weariness for want of occupation —Ennui
  35. One who loves all and sundry- —Philanthropist
  36. A person living permanently in a certain place —-Domicile
  37. Mania for travel —–Dromomania
  38. Paying back injury with injury —-Reprisal
  39. Acutely affected by external impressions —-Sensitive
  40. To slap with a flat object —–Swat
  41. An Assembly of hearers ——Audience
  42. An associate in an office or institution —–Colleague
  43. One who is unrelenting and cannot be moved by the entreaties —-Inexorable
  44. Regards for others as a principle of action —-Altruism
  45. Person who Claims to have great love and understanding of what is beautiful in nature , art etc. —Aesthete
  46. A disease which spreads by contact —–Contagious
  47. An animal story with a moral ——Fable
  48. To change the shape, nature or substance of ——-Transmute
  49. Person who believes that god is everything and everything is god —Pantheist
  50. Person who travels or pilot in a balloon , airship or other aircraft —-Aeronaut
  51. Witty,clever, retort —-Repartee
  52. Simplest and smallest form of plant life , present in air , water, soil; essential to life but may cause disease —-Bacteria
  53. A girl or women who flirts that is tries to attract people and make advances in love simply to satisfy her vanity ——Coquette
  54. A person who regards the whole world as his country —-Cosmopolitan
  55. Relationship by blood or birth —–Consanguinity
  56. A story in which ideas are symbolised as people —-Allegory
  57. The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed —-Armistice
  58. A person who makes love without serious intention —–Philanderer
  59. Opposed to sudden or great change ——Conservative
  60. Having no beginning or end to its existence —–Eternal
  61. The art of cutting tress and bushes into ornamental shapes —-Topiary
  62. Walking in sleep ————Somnambulism
  63. One who cannot die ——immortal
  64. A formal written charge against a person for some, crime or offence —-Indictment
  65. Language difficult to understand because of bad form —–Jargon
  66. Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted/ an opinion contrary to the orthodox doctrine of a subject —-Heresy
  67. A person obsessed with exclusively one idea or subject—- Monomaniac
  68. A child of unusual or remarkable talent —-Prodigy
  69. A person who kills somebody especially for political reasons —-Assassination
  70. A small piece of potato —-Chip
  71. A child who stays away from school without any good reason —-Truant
  72. A common place remark —–Platitude
  73. Line at which the earth or sea and sky seem to meet ———Horizon
  74. A person who rules without consulting the opinion of others —-Autocracy
  75. Study of mankind —–Anthropology
  76. Intentional destruction of racial groups —–Genocide
  77. Study of statistics of birth , deaths , disease to show the state of community —–Demography
  78. Through which light cannot be pass —–Opaque
  79. A sudden rush of wind —-Gust
  80. One who takes delight in excessive cruelty —-Sadist
  81. A unexpected stroke of good luck —-Windfall
  82. A person who helps you to break the law —-Accomplice
  83. Not conforming to ordinary rules of behaviour —-Eccentric
  84. Stealing from the writing of others ——Plagiarism
  85. Short Descriptive poem of Picturesque scene on incident —-Idyll
  86. A man who starves body for the good of soul ——–Ascetic {Recluse}
  87. A person who is reserved in talks ——Reticent
  88. A short stay at a place ———Sojourn
  89. A raised place on which offering to a god are made —-Altar
  90. To talk much without coming to the point —–Circumlocution
  91. Constant effort to achieve something ————Perseverance
  92. A place where a wild animals lives —–Lair
  93. One who lends money at high rate of interest —-Usurer
  94. One who cuts precious stone ——-Lapidist
  95. Govt. By the god ——-Thearchy
  96. A person not sure of the existence of the god ——Agnostic
  97. One who compiles dictionary ———–Lexicographer
  98. Which can be easily believed ———-Credible
  99. Woman tried to help other women to child birth —-Midwife
  100. A person with full discretionary power to act on behalf of a country ——Plenipotentiary
  101. Design made by putting together coloured pieces of glass or stones— Mosaic
  102. To Deprive a thing of its holy characters ——-Desecrate
  103. A man with prejudiced views against religion —-Bigot / Prejudiced
  104. The school or college in which one has been educated —-Alma meter
  105. One who deserts his religious ————Apostate
  106. Medicine which lessens pains ————Anodyne
  107. To Take one task ————–Rebuke
  108. A small piece of wood ————Chip
  109. A pioneer of a reform movement —-Apostle
  110. Wicked to a high degree —--Heinous
  111. The original inhabitants of a country —–Aborigines
  112. Dungeon entered by trapdoor- —-Oubliette
  113. One desirous of getting money —–Avaricious
  114. Place where birds are kept ———–Aviary
  115. A person with a beautiful and elegant handwriting —-Calligrapher
  116. A person who is always dissatisfied ———-Malcontent
  117. Loss of power to move in any or every part of the body —-Paralysis
  118. One who does not care for literature or art / person who is indifferent to art and literature—-Philistine
  119. A group of three novels or plays, each complete in itself —--Trilogy
  120. A person who is made to bear the blames due to others —–Scapegoat
  121. A funny Imitation of a poem ——–Parody
  122. Responsible according to law ——–Legitimate
  123. A speech by an actor at the end of the play —--Epilogue
  124. A person without manners or polish ———–Rustic
  125. Members of a band of robbers ——–Brigand
  126. A person concerned with political values and results ——-Pragmatists
  127. Person holding a scholarship at a university —–-Bursar
  128. Contempt of god ————Blasphemy
  129. Of unknown and un admitted authorship —-Anonymous
  130. A person who forsake his religion ——-Renegade, apostate, turncoat
  131. A man who pays too much attention to his clothes and personal appearance —Dandy
  132. The line which a plough cuts in the ground —-Furrow
  133. A name adopted by an author in writing —-Pseudonym
  134. One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks —--teetotaller
  135. A person claiming to be superior in culture and intellect to others —-Highbrow
  136. A person very hard to please —–Fastidious
  137. A house for storing grains —-Granary
  138. A person who maliciously Destroys by fire —Incendiary
  139. A man who operates on sick peoples ——Surgeon
  140. Be the embodiment or perfect example of —Personify
  141. An instrument for viewing objects at a distance —-Telescope
  142. Person who has long experience —-veteran
  143. A light sailing boat built especially for racing– Yacht
  144. That which can be interpreted in any way —-Ambiguous
  145. One who plays a game for pleasure and not professionally —Amateur
  146. Animals that living in both water and land —--Amphibians
  147. To bring Peace, and end the Violence ——–Pacify
  148. Customs of having many wives ——-Polygamy [Polygyngy]
  149. Time after twilight and before night ——-Dusk
  150. A person who rarely speak the truth ——-Liar
  151. The science of judging a person’s character , capabilities etc. From an examination of the shape of the skull —–Phrenology
  152. Use of more words than are needed to express the meaning —–Circumlocution {Pleonasm}
  153. The power of reading the thoughts of others ———Telepathy
  154. One Who Pretends illness to escape duty ——-Malingerer {Dereliction}
  155. Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others —-Sadism
  156. Man whose wife has been unfaithful to him —-cuckold
  157. Science of printing ———Typography
  158. One whose attitude is “eat, drink, and be merry” —-Epicurean
  159. A thing or person behind time —Antiquated
  160. A man of odd habits —Eccentric
  161. A person who speaks for as support an idea —-advocate
  162. The branch of medical science which deals with the problems of the old —-Geriatrics
  163. The place where bricks are baked —kiln
  164. A thing liable to be easily broken —Brittle
  165. To mediate between two parties in a dispute —-Intercede {Arbiter}
  166. Careful in performing duties —Punctilious
  167. A person who makes and sell ladies’s hats etc. —-Milliner
  168. Books, Pictures etc intended to arouse sexual desire —-Pornography
  169. Present opposing arguments or evidence —-Rebut
  170. Person who gives written testimony for use in law court —Deponent
  171. Equal in rank, merit or quality —-Peer
  172. One who is neither intelligent nor dull —-Mediocre
  173. Using of new words —-Neologism
  174. A slow- witted and incompetent person—- Duffer
  175. A woman of lax moral ——–Hostess
  176. Something which is not thorough or profound —Superficial
  177. A field or a part of a garden where fruits tree grow —-Orchard
  178. Person who gives himself up to luxury and sexual pleasures —-Voluptuary
  179. One who is likeable —-Amiable
  180. One who promotes the idea of absence of the govt. of any kind , when every man should be a law unto himself ——Anarchist
  181. A fault that may be forgiven— venial
  182. To break off proceedings of a meeting for a time —Adjourn
  183. A low- area storm with high winds rotating about a centre of low atmosphere pressure —Cyclone
  184. A person who has just started learning —-Apprentice
  185. Just punishment for wrong doing ——--Nemesis
  186. A room leading into a large room or hall —-Anteroom
  187. Printed notice of somebody’s death ———Obituary
  188. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s bank —-Hinterland
  189. The list of courses at a meal or of dishes that can be served in a restaurant —Menu
  190. Plain or Self – Evident truth —Truism
  191. A story in verse {poetry or line of poem} —ballad
  192. One knowing everything —-omniscient
  193. One who loves books ——–Bibliophile
  194. Informal business communication with a personal signature —–Memorandum
  195. Govt. by the representatives of the people —–-democracy
  196. Food which agree with One’s Taste ——Palatable
  197. A person sharing responsibility for a political party’s discipline and tactics —Whip
  198. One who talks very little ——Reserved {Reticent}
  199. To do away with a rule ——Abrogate
  200. A person who travels to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion —Pilgrim

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