1000 Most Important One Word Substitution
1000 Most Important One Word Substitution
- A Person who has no money to pay off his debts —-Insolvent
- Words uttered impiously about God———- Blasphemy
- Quibble ————Prevaricate
- One who compiles a dictionary ——Lexicographer
- A test in which cells from diseased organs are removed and tested —-Biopsy
- A post with little work but higher salary ———Sinecure
- Something that cause death ——-Fatal (lethal)
- A person who writes decoratively ——-Calligrapher
- Pertaining to Cattle ————-Bovine
- To look at someone in an angry or threatening way —-Glower
- An inscription on a Tomb ————-Epitaph
- Feeling inside you which tells you what is right and what is wrong —–Conscience
- Release of a prisoner from jail on certain terms and conditions ————-Parole
- Loss of memory —————Amnesia
- To struggle Helplessly ——Flounder
- Code of diplomatic Etiquette and precedence —-Protocol
- To renounce a high position of authority or control —-Abdicate
- Not to be moved by entreaty —–Despotic (Absolute independence)
- An object or portion serving as a sample ——Specimen
- The practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote —–Referendum
- The animal of a particular Region ——Fauna
- An emolument over and above fixed income or salary ——Honorarium
- An unexpected piece of good fortune —–Windfall
- Clues available at a scene ——–Circumstantial
- One who hides away on a ship to obtain a free passage ——Stowaway
- An underhand device resorted to in order to justify misconduct —–Manoeuvre (Stratagem, skilled plan)
- Impossible to describe —–Ineffable
- One who criticise popular belief which he think is mistaken or unwise —–Iconoclast (breaks of images)
- Detaining and confining someone —–Internment
- Science of the races of Man Kind ——Ethnology
- An involuntary action under a stimulus is described as —-Reflex
- A continuous process of change is known as —–Flux
- Use of many words where only a few are necessary —-Circumlocution
- Circular Building or hall with a dome —–-Rotunda
- One who is citizen not of a country but of the world —--Cosmopolitan
- To run away with a lover ————-Elope
- Science of Heredity ———–Genetics
- Arrangement in order of occurrence —–Chronological
- Occurring at night——— Nocturnal (done in night)
- Determine the nature of the disease —–Diagnose
- Person who insist or adherence to formal rules or literacy meaning /one who makes a vain display of his learning —–Pedant
- Calmness and indifference to suffering ——Stoicism
- The practice of having more than one husband —–Polyandry
- Seeing something which is not actually present —–Hallucination
- With a much liveliness and a sense of purpose —–Jauntily (Zealously)
- Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure —--Barometer
- One who tends to take a hopeful view of life —–Optimist
- Belonging to all parts of the world ———–universal
- To be known for bad acts ————–Notorious
- Words of similar meaning ——-Synonyms
- One who never takes alcoholic drinks ——Teetotaller
- A tank where fish or water plants are kept ——-Aquarium
- One who is given to pleasures of the flesh ——–Epicurean
- Inability to sleep ———-Insomnia
- One who believes in giving equal opportunities to women in all fields —–Feminist
- To have a very high opinion of oneself ———Conceited, vanity, fanciful
- Place of Burial ———-Cemetery
- Person who is always hopeful and looks upon the brighter side of things —-Optimist
- An occasion of great importance ——--Momentous
- Govt. By a ruler who has unlimited power —–Autocracy
- A sly look that is lustful ——Leer, to glance obliquely
- A jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes/ one who is fond of jokes —–Wag
- Deep in Thought ——-Pensive, Thoughtful, Meditative
- Without risk of punishment Impunity
- Excessive preoccupation with one’s health —–Hypochondria
- A person who loves mankind ——-Philanthropist
- To confirm with the help of evidence ——Corroborate
- The action of looking within or into one’s own mind/ to examine one’s own thought —--Introspection
- One who has narrow and prejudice religious view ——Fanatic
- Capable of being interpreted in two ways ————Ambiguous
- Able to use the left hand and right hand equally well —–Ambidextrous
- One who hates women ————-Misogynist
- A System of naming things ——Nomenclature
- A raised passageway in a building ——Walkway
- A cure for all disease ——Panacea
- A person who is physically dependent on a substance —–Addict
- A child born after the death of its father is called ——A posthumous child
- A movement of part of the body to express an idea or feeling—– Gesture
- A legal agreement by which a person borrows money from a bank usually to buy a house—–Mortgage
- Failing to discharge one’s duty ——–Dereliction (neglect of duty)
- A person who breaks into a house in order to steal ——Burglar (house-breaker, a thief)
- A study of map ——-Cartography
- Tough tissues in joints ——Ligaments
- The first model of new device —–Prototype
- A building where an audience sits —-Auditorium
- One who compiles dictionary —–Lexicographer
- Which can be easily believed —–Credible
- Women trained to help other women in child birth —–Midwife
- A person with full discretionary power to act on behalf of a country —-Plenipotentiary
- The science of judging a person’s character, capabilities etc. From an examination of the shape of his skull ——–Phrenology
- A women whose husband is dead ———-Widow
- To take One to task —–Rebuke, to reprove, to reprimand, to censure
- One who uses fear as a weapon of power ————Terrorist
- A small piece of wood ——--Chip
- Mania for setting fires —–Pyromania
- A place where birds are kept ——-Aviary
- A method which never fails ———-Unflinching
- Something which cannot be believed ——–-Incredible
- Body of human being or animal embalmed for burial —-Mummy
- Of very bad moral: characterized be debasement or degeneration —-Depraved
- One who knows many languages —–Linguist
- One who does not follow the usual rules of social life —Bohemian
- Placing a thing Beside another —-Impose
- To throw or drop unnecessary goods or fuel from ship, aircraft, spacecraft etc. —-Jettison
- Wild and noisy disorder ——-Pandemonium
- Printed notice of somebody’s death ——Obituary
- A room leading into a large room or hall —--Anteroom
- Just punishment for wrong doing —–-Nemesis
- A person who has just started learning —--Apprentice
- A low area storm with high winds rotating about a centre of low atmosphere pressure —-Cyclone
- One who collects coin —– Numismatist
- A system of govt. In which only one party is allowed to function —-Totalitarianism
- Customs and habits of a particular group ——Mores
- A body of persons appointed to hear evidence and give their verdict in trials —-Jury
- Indifferences to pleasure or pain —–Stoicism
- Belief that war and violence are Unjustified ———Pacifism
- A group of girls ——–Bevy
- Causing or ending in death ——-Fatal
- A short poem or speech addressed to the spectators at the beginning of the drama —-Prologue
- One who loves book ——–Bibliophile
- One who deserts his principles or duty —–Renegade /turncoat
- One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle differences–Intermediary, arbiter, mediator
- The habit of always admiring oneself / refer to a person who has excessive interest in oneself—- Narcissism
- To take back, withdraw,or renounce —-Recant
- A pen for small animal —–Hutch
- Two words different in spelling and meaning but pronounced alike —–Homonyms
- A person who can appreciate art, music etc. पारकी} —–Connoisseur{कदरदान)
- A servile self seeker who attempts to win favour by flattering influential people —-Sycophant
- An abnormal fear of high places —--Acrophobia
- That belief that nothing can be known about God —-Agnosticism
- A person with a long experience of any occupation —–Veteran
- Words written on a tomb ————Epitaph
- Stealthily done ———Surreptitious
- Something no longer in use —–Obsolete
- One not concerned with right or wrong ——Amoral
- A short stay at a place ———–Sojourn
- A raised place on which offering to a god are made ——-Altar
- To talk much without coming to the point ————-Circumlocution
- That which can be easily broken ———–-Brittle
- A place where a wild animal lives ————-Lair
- Succession of rulers belonging to one family ——–Dynasty
- To cut something into two pieces ————Sever
- Flat material or porcelain plate fixed on a wall as an ornament or memorial —-Plaque
- Act of deceiving somebody in order to make money ———–Fraud
- A short poem or speech addressed to the spectators after the conclusion of a drama —Epilogue
- One who goes to settle in another country —–Emigrant
- One who hates man-kind —-Misanthrope
- Belonging to all parts of the world —–Cosmopolitan
- One who walks on ropes ——Acrobat
- The study of the origin and history of words —–Etymology
- A government in which all types of religion are honoured —-Secular
- A place where govt. / public records are kept ——Archive
- Living together of a man and a woman without being married to each other —-Concubine
- Too much official formalities ———Red tapism
- Dry weather without rainfall ——Drought
- That which lasts for a short time —–Transitory
- Ready to believe anything ——–Credulous
- A four footed animal ——-Quadruped
- A person who believes in the total abolition of the war —-Pacifist /Pacifism
- Constant efforts to achieve something—– Perseverance
- The worship of idols or images ———-Idolatry
- Something that is poisonous or unhealthy —–Toxic
- A remedy for all disease —— Panacea
- A hater of mankind ——Misanthrope
- Irresistible caving for alcoholic drinks —-Dipsomania
- To be biased against ———-Prejudiced
- Bitter and violent attack in words ——–Diatribe
- Treatment by means of exercise and massage —–Physiotherapy
- The abandonment of one’s country or cause —-Desertion
- Beliefs that god is in everything and that everything is god —--Pantheism
- A picture of a person or a thing drawn in such a way as to cause laughter —-Caricature
- The state of being miserable bereft of all possessions —-Destitute
- That which cannot be called back —–Irrevocable
- One who journey from place to place ——--itinerant
- Fear of water ———-hydrophobia
- Easily duped or fooled ——-gullible
- Animals that can live on land and in water ———--Amphibians
- Handwriting that cannot be read ———--illegible
- To feel or express disapproval of something or someone —-deprecate
- To agree to something—- assent
- A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude —-Recluse/ Ascetic
- Occurring at irregular intervals in time —Sporadic [scattered here and there]
- To keep a great person or event in people memory —-commemorate
- A short story about some real person or event —-Anecdote
- Women who offers the use of her body for sexual intercourse to any one who will pay for this —prostitute
- Life history of a person written by another —Biography
- Customs of having many wives —– Polygamy
- Person do not believe in any religion —–Pagan
- A man of lax moral ——licentious
- A small enclosure for cattle, sheep ,poultry —-Pen
- To cause troops etc. To spread out in readiness for battle —-deploy
- One who forcibly seizes control of a bus or an aircraft —-Hijacker
- The act of killing one’s wife —-Uxoricide
- Music sung or played at night below a person’s window —Serenade
- A govt. By the nobles ——aristocracy
- Anything written in a letter after it is signed —Post script
- Strong and settled dislike between two person —-Antipathy
- An entertainer who performs difficult physical action —-Acrobat
- A small house with all rooms on one floor —–bungalow
- A song embodying religious and sacred emotions —-Hymns